Competitive English 2 – Unlocking the Power of Synonyms 2

✍ Avtar Narayan

Elevate Your Communication and Exam Success:

Synonyms are essential for enriching both daily conversations and competitive exams. They add variety, clarity, and precision to speech, making communication more engaging and effective. In exams, a strong vocabulary helps with understanding texts, improving writing, and excelling in verbal tests. Mastering synonyms boosts everyday interactions and academic performance.

Daily Language

  1. Variety: Makes conversations more interesting.
  2. Clarity: Helps express thoughts clearly.
  3. Effective Communication: Avoids misunderstandings.
  4. Expressiveness: Makes speech more engaging.
  5. Professionalism: Shows better understanding in work settings.

Competitive Exams

  1. Better Vocabulary: Helps in answering vocabulary questions.
  2. Reading Skills: Understands complex texts better.
  3. Writing: Improves essays with varied words.
  4. Verbal Tests: Performs well in word meaning questions.
  5. Critical Thinking: Recognizes subtle differences in meaning.


  • Daily Language: “I’m jubilant” instead of “I’m happy” adds enthusiasm. “Perilous” instead of “dangerous” shows more risk.
  • Competitive Exams: “Serene” for “calm” helps in vocabulary tests. “Meticulous” instead of “careful” improves essay quality.

Knowing different synonyms helps in daily conversations and doing well in exams.

We have provided synonyms in a table format along with their Hindi meanings and antonyms. We have also given an example sentence for each. Please try to create similar sentences based on these examples.

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Sr.1 Synonym Synonyms Hindi Meaning Antonyms Sentence Hindi Translation
1 Abandon Desert, Forsake, Leave, Give up, Relinquish छोड़ना Retain, Keep, Hold, Support Shri Rama did not abandon his duty भगवान राम ने अपने कर्तव्य को नहीं छोड़ा। 
 2 Begin Start, Commence, Initiate, Launch, Embark शुरू करना   End, Cease, Halt, Conclude    The Mahabharata war began with the blowing of the conch shells.  महाभारत का युद्ध शंखनाद के साथ शुरू हुआ। 
3 Calm Peaceful, Serene, Tranquil, Composed, Quiet शांति  Agitated, Disturbed, Anxious, Chaotic  The calm tortoise patiently waited while the two foolish geese argued. शांत कछुआ धैर्यपूर्वक इंतजार करता रहा जबकि दो मूर्ख हंस झगड़ रहे थे। 
4 Change Alter, Modify, Transform, Shift, Adjust बदलना  Maintain, Preserve, Keep, Retain The clever rabbit brought a change in the lion’s attitude by tricking him with a story चतुर खरगोश ने एक कहानी सुनाकर शेर के रवैये में बदलाव लाया
5 Dangerous Hazardous, Risky, Perilous, Unsafe, Threatening खतरनाक Safe, Secure, Harmless, Protective The lion’s den was a dangerous place for any small animal to enter. शेर की गुफा किसी भी छोटे जानवर के लिए प्रवेश करने के लिए खतरनाक जगह थी।
6 Doubt Uncertainty, Suspicion, Hesitation, Distrust, Confusion संदेह  Certainty, Confidence, Assurance, Conviction The dove had no doubt that the hunter would trap her and her friends, so she devised a plan. कबूतर को कोई संदेह नहीं था कि शिकारी उसे और उसके दोस्तों को फंसा देगा, इसलिए उसने एक योजना बनाई।
7 End Conclude, Finish, Terminate, Close, Cease समाप्ति   Begin, Start, Commence, Initiate  The end of the crow’s plan resulted in the snake’s defeat, bringing peace to the birds. कौए की योजना के अंत ने सांप की हार को जन्म दिया, जिससे पक्षियों को शांति मिली। 
8 Famous Renowned, Notable, Celebrated, Well-known, Distinguished प्रसिद्ध  Unknown, Obscure, Unimportant, Anonymous The famous Bhagavad Gita is a revered scripture among us. प्रसिद्ध भगवद गीता हम सभी के लिये एक पूजनीय ग्रंथ है।
9 Important Significant, Crucial, Essential, Major, Vital महत्वपूर्ण Unimportant, Trivial, Insignificant, Negligible The important lesson from the Mahabharat is the value of dharma. महाभारत से महत्वपूर्ण सबक धर्म का महत्व है।
10 Necessary Essential, Required, Indispensable, Needed, Mandatory आवश्यक Optional, Unnecessary, Nonessential, Voluntary It was necessary for Sri Ram to form alliances to defeat Ravan. भगवान राम के लिए रावण को हराने के लिए गठबंधन करना आवश्यक था।


We hope this type of synonyms table will prove to be very useful for your competitive exams.

One of the sentence structure used in this format is simple declarative. This type of sentence structure is characterized by:

Subject + Verb + Object:

  • Each sentence follows a straightforward construction where the subject performs an action, and the action affects the object.
  • Clarity and Directness: The sentences are designed to be clear and direct, making them easy to understand.
  • Basic Sentence Elements: The sentences use basic elements (subject, verb, object) without complex clauses or additional subordinate clauses.

For example:

Subject: “Shri Ram”

Verb: “did not abandon”

Object: “his duty”

This simple structure ensures that the core message is conveyed clearly and efficiently.


1. Shri Rama did not abandon his duty.
Question: Which of the following is a synonym for “abandon”?
A) Keep
B) Protect
C) Leave
D) Support

2. The Mahabharata war began with the blowing of the conch shells.
Question: Which of the following is a synonym for “began”?
A) Ended
B) Stopped
C) Started
D) Closed

3. The calm tortoise patiently waited while the two foolish geese argued.
Question: Which of the following is a synonym for “calm”?
A) Noisy
B) Quiet
C) Angry
D) Anxious

4. The clever rabbit brought a change in the lion’s attitude by tricking him with a story.
Question: Which of the following is a synonym for “change”?
A) Stay
B) Preserve
C) Modify
D) Stop

5. The lion’s den was a dangerous place for any small animal to enter.
Question: Which of the following is a synonym for “dangerous”?
A) Safe
B) Risky
C) Secure
D) Harmless

6. The dove had no doubt that the hunter would trap her and her friends, so she devised a plan.
Question: Which of the following is an antonym for “doubt”?
A) Uncertainty
B) Confidence
C) Hesitation
D) Confusion

7. The end of the crow’s plan resulted in the snake’s defeat, bringing peace to the birds.
Question: Which of the following is a synonym for “end”?
A) Begin
B) Start
C) Terminate
D) Continue

Answer Key
1. C) Leave
2. C) Started
3. B) Quiet
4. C) Modify
5. B) Risky
6. B) Confidence
7. C) Terminate

(Author is an English Acharya in Bhrahampuri Adarsh Vidya Mandir Jodhpur and Sah-Sanyojak of English Speaking of Vidya Bharati Jodhpur Prant.)

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