Teachers & ICT – Information and communication technology

– Ravi Kumar

Once I got an opportunity to attend a meeting with the teachers of a school at Nuh. They were using smartboards for teaching in their classrooms. All the teachers demonstrated how they were using the smartboard features. When I asked them about their experiences before and after using the smart board. They expressed that teaching with smartboard in the classroom had become very interesting as the students now asked many questions and learn deeply and more quickly than before. I had a perception in my mind about the smart classroom teaching and their answers proved it to be right.

Use of information and communication technology in classroom teaching provides ample scope for qualitative development of students and teachers both. It not only enhances the learning level of students but also helps in improving the teaching skills of the teachers. Therefore, teachers should be proactive in adopting information and communication technology. They should be motivated to associate themselves intensely with the innovative instructional technology.

There have been numerous plans and schemes to enhance the use of technology in schools but a lot more is to be done in this area to meet the global parameters. Countries, particularly the European ones, have shown drastic changes in the learning level of the students by using ICT in classroom teaching activities. Therefore, teachers training in ICT is crucial. They must be prepared to use the technology to meet the challenges of this age of information.

The attitude of the teachers towards ICT maters a lot as there are some teachers who are Innovative. They recognize the potential of ICT in education. They understand and adopt it easily. These second category belongs to those teachers who are Resistant/Hesitant. They hesitate to use ICT due to their low confidence and lack of knowledge or less knowledge about technology.

Still there is the third category of teachers i.e. The Mainstream Teachers. They are less adoptive of technology but they are willing to try to use ICT in education. In order to keep pace with the latest trends in education the teachers must know the efficient use of technology and for this the following facts should be weighed accordingly.

It requires sufficient me to understand technology and its use. So proper time should be given. 

It takes enormous me to prepare the ICT based lessons while using it for the first time but after using ICT for a few more times, it becomes easier for the teachers to prepare their lessons more effectively in less time than before.

It should be kept remembered that professional development of a teacher is a process not an event.

By using ICT teaching learning process will be more interesting and effective.

The most important fact to be kept in mind is – Using ICT in education does not mean to leave the onus of teaching on smartboard only, it also requires the role of the teachers in the efficient use of technology.

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